
Sentamentals Cartridge

Ok let me tell you about this hideous Monstrosity!  I'm embarrassed to even show it but I took the challenge so I must.  That oval frame, the keys and the phrase all had to be printed 3 times then glued to each other in layers I guess to make it thick? I don't know what the hell they were thinking.  I used a Xyron to clue the back of those lacy things and the phrase and lemme tell ya what a pain in the patootie!  Little glue globs and just a mess.  I did it exactly per the instructions down to the white polka dotted pink ribbon.  Hated this project. I challenge those of you with this cart to do the sample project and send photos - I would love to see your creations!


  1. I don't have this cartridge, but I will definately use your awesome idea here.. I love the ribbons.. very pretty

  2. I love this cartridge. I use it almost everytime I make a card. So many card shapes! THank you for some new ideas!


Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback! Have a great day :)

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