
Hey it's Terri with another stamping project!

I hope everyone is safe and sound following Sandy's grand waltz through the eastern part of the country. So far there has been little damage in my immediate neighborhood.

Since the power remained on at my house during the storm I was able to edit my latest stamping project and post it to YouTube. It's an adorable Christmas card with a Santa suit motif that's very easy to make.
Have you started making holiday cards or projects yet? I'd love to see them!

FYI---During Stampin Up's week-long celebration of Digital Scrapbooking Day, beginning October 29th thru November 5th, you can get FREE downloads and 50 percent off digital kits! Check out my online store for details about this and other promotions.

Need a catalog? Let me know and I'd be happy to send one your way. 
Please give me a call (            410-647-4011   ), drop me an email (terhare@hotmail.com), or text410-804-6745    .

Click here to Shop now! 
My Motto is "Stamping is fun!"

Hugs and Chirps!

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